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Billionaires Top Secret
Dexpool-management is a reliable and diversified investment provider to financial market professionals. Our technical strategies cover trading floors spanning across different market spheres ranging from equity, fixed-income markets, CFDs on stocks, ETFs, forex, binary options and cryptocurrency trading, including real estate, agricultural products like cannabis, retirement income plans etc.
The company has a wide range of unique financial offers for clients. These offers won't allow to stay indifferent even the most demanding specialists in the field of investment and network business development.
the high level of training of traders and the use of innovative methods of analytics and monitoring indicative exchange fluctuations allows for maximizing profits.
Key features of Dexpool-management
Connectivity across payment networks
Real-time traceability of funds
Low operational and liquidity costs.
Instant, on-demand settlement.
Basic Plan | |
Name | 2.00% ROI |
Minimum Deposit | $200 |
Maximum Deposit | $999 |
Duration | 7 Days |
Reference | 10% |
Deposit Returned | Yes |
Standard Plan | |
Name | 3.5% ROI |
Minimum Deposit | $1,000 |
Maximum Deposit | $4,999 |
Duration | 7 Days |
Reference | 10% |
Deposit Returned | Yes |